Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Mu husband's rebellion...

So, my husband has decided that HE needs to start an online support group for husbands whose wives are driving them insane by their obsessive planning of a Disney trip.

Maybe he should then....

I had to start a blog to share my thoughts and planning because my husband doesn't care to discuss making plans AT ALL until we are already there! He simply does not realize the state of despair I would be in if we showed up at the park only to discover the very thing we had talked up to our kids (playhouse disney show) was CLOSED the day we decide to come! In fact, had I not reserached all disney websites, compared schedules, talked to a live chat representative from the website...that VERY thing would have happened! The playhouse Disney show was "closed for refurbishment" through jan 28th, then it only is offered on Friday and Saturdays! We....well let me change that "I" had originally planned for us to visit Hollywood Studios (the new name for MGM) on Sunday, which means after preparing and getting our kids all excited to see a show with Handy Manny, Mickey Mouse clubhouse characters, etc, it would not have been on!
I say you MUST make your plans before you arrive....whereas he thinks you should just relax....decide what to do whenever after you get there, etc. I am not against relaxing and taking our time....I AM however against not doing any research and thus being disappointed that just a little bit of "looking into" would have saved the disappointment of his children (um...and his wife :)
I hope this doesn't sound mean. I know he is tired of hearing about my plans. I haven't gone overboard! I just visited the website and printed out custom maps that highlight all the attractions that WE want to see. It is simple prioritizing and maximizing of our time.
My friend from church has also been planning a trip online now for a couple of years now. She said they just haven't gone and her husband is also tired of hearing of all the "options" and "plans" and "possibilities." This is why Corey thinks there should be a support group. case any of you care at all or would like to put in your two cents about whether or not I have overplanned, here is the itinerary so far:

Day one: drive down

Day two: Magic Kingdom in the morning (take the train to fantasy land first thing and see characters, do kiddie rides, etc), go back to rest/lunch, go to Hollywood Studios in the evening.

Day three: Rest at resort/play in the pool/hit up downtown disney for shopping (they have a super cheap outlet store that is good I hear for souveniers)

Day four: Animal Kingdom in the morning, lunch and rest at room, back to Magic Kingdom for the evening (see the rest of the stuff we didn't see before) and see the night parades and fireworks.

Day five: drive home

Among these plans are specific things I have researched such as parade times, show times, etc. I think this will save us valuable time when we arrive a the parks. We won't have to stand there and make a decision about which show to do when or realize that we should have come the alternate day or something.

I know that Corey secretly appreciates the research I have done. I just had to share my plans with someone since he doesn't want to talk about it until we are in the car on the way. lol.

The only thing I haven't planned is our evening meals. We plan to eat in the park wherever we are in the evening, so that will be a "spur of the moment" thing...that's all I am comfortable with though! lol. :)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

girl- i am so with you on this! i am the SAME WAY!!!!!
it really does save time & you make sure to take FULL advantage of the trip!